The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium

Author: Ashley Johnston

3D Scanning of the Collosium, Rome, Italy
3D Scanning of the Collosium, Rome, Italy

A message from Professor Krupali Krusche:

It is my pleasure to inform you that we have been able to organize a small symposium that brings together scientists and preservationist in a dialogue with other members of the field of architecture, classics and computer science. I would like to invite you all to attend the Digital Future of World Heritage symposium being held at Via Ostilia, Rome, Italy on April 3rd and 4th, 2014.

The Symposium will focus on the need for state-of-the-art tools and technologies that transform the way we think about documentation, interpretation, archiving and preservation for future generations. Technology transfer in the Humanities is still in an exploratory phase. Engaging University faculty from other fields with expertise in established technologies, such as georegistration, land and subsurface mapping/imagery, remote sensing, cartography, accelerator mass spectrometry and finite element methods, has the potential to inspire innovative methods of documenting heritage and furthering research on site. The Symposium will also be a platform to present various techniques of merging scientific research with site management, and the benefits of such joint approaches to the improvement and management of World Heritage Sites. Government and State agencies involved in running sites will be introduced to the latest techniques in documentation, analysis and historic research to study and maintain sites.

Please visit to register and for more information on the upcoming symposium. Registration is the only way to ensure that you will receive all conference materials and meals. Please register online by 15th March (limited spaces).  


For questions related to registration please contact Ashley Johnston. Looking forward to seeing you in Rome!


Krupali Krusche

Associate Professor of Preservation, Architecture and Urban Planning
Director DHARMA - (Digital Historic Architectural Research and Material Analysis) Lab
School of Architecture
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556