Explore ​South Bend’s Architectural History as Part of SB 150 Celebrations

Author: Mary Beth Zachariades


Building South Bend: Past, Present, Future will provide an interactive tour through ​​South Bend’s architectural history including a website, mobile applications, a 3D printed model of downtown in the 1920’s, and an immersive 3D virtual reality experience. 

The project will be launched at the SB 150 Birthday Weekend in Downtown South Bend on May 23rd and 24th.


Included in the presentation is the launch of the Downtown South Bend app which was created by Historic Urban Environments/Notre Dame (HUE/ND), in collaboration with the Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County, and The History Museum South Bend.  This mobile application is part of a larger project called Building South Bend, Past, Present, Future intended to document the historical architecture, historic districts, and evolution of the city of South Bend.

The model, app, website and virtual reality experience will be on display during the SB150 Birthday Weekend -Saturday, May 23, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sunday, May 24, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Following the event, one of the two 4x8 foot printed models will live permanently in The History Museum South Bend. 

Visit buildingsouthbend.nd.edu to learn more about the architecture of South Bend's past, present, and future.